Contact Us

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16 R Bannister's Wharf
Newport, RI 02840
United States


TERRA MANDARINE is the online boutique for both TERRA located in St Jean, St Barthelemy and MANDARINE located Newport, Rhode Island.

Here you can experience the same personalized service and well curated collections these boutiques have become know for.

Shipping Info

Our shipping information


Ship times follow the processing of your order, which may take up to three business days.

All orders over $500.00 are subject to postal insurance fee:

$1,000 - $2,500     $33.00

$2,501 - $5,000     $64.25

This charge will be billed to your card separately.

All merchandise over $5,000 will be sent registered priority mail:

$5,001 - $7,000     $65.00

$7,001 - 10,000     $85.00

This charge will be billed to your card separately.

Ship times follow the processing of your order, which may take up to three business days.

We ship FedEx insured, and offer three shipping options within the continental United States:

  • Standard/Ground (5-7 day delivery)

  • Second-Day Air

  • Overnight Next-Day Air (does not include Saturday delivery)